Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Frosted fluffiness

My mom has asked me several times to make another scarf for her. She has roughly a dozen of my scarves, but she always thinks of a new color or style that she would like. So I set aside my Etsy knitting and made another scarf for Mom.

One of her favorites is this furry beast:


She wanted a pink furry beast in the same style. Luckily, Michael's had Fun Fur on sale last weekend, so I picked up the necessary materials. This scarf is an excellent weekend project; I started it on Friday morning and finished it on Sunday evening during a "Whale Wars" marathon. (I would have finished it sooner, but I didn't knit a single stitch on Saturday.) Knit with me, won't you?

What you need: 2 balls of white Lion Brand Fun Fur (or another eyelash yarn), 2 balls of any color Fun Fur (the purple one is "grape" and the pink one is "soft pink"), one pair US size 11 needles, and one tapestry needle or crochet hook for weaving in ends.

I swear that the top strand is pink.

Holding one strand of white and one strand of color together, cast on 16 stitches. For every row, *K1, P1, rep from * for K1P1 ribbing. When you have knit your scarf to a desired length, bind off in patt, then weave in ends.

Tada! Using white Fun Fur with a color gives the scarf a frosted look.

Variation: cast on 12 stitches instead of 16 for a narrower (or child-size) scarf. The scarf will be about 4 inches wide with 16 stitches and about 3 inches wide with 12 stitches.

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